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Qui ea quam est quisquam vero.
Est quis dolor iusto fugit magni in consequatur.
Qui ea est quisquam vero.
Neuer Krach um Satellitenprojekt: Chinesen kritisieren Amt für Kommunikation
Die einstigen chinesischen Investoren erheben Vorwürfe gegen das Amt für Kommunikation. Der Amtsleiter hält diese nicht für gerechtfertigt.
Rivada Space petitions the RRB.
Rivada Space petitions the RRB for a 12-month extension of every constellation subject to ITU Resolution 35 passed at WRC 2019.
A sky full of satellites?
As more satellites enter orbit, the more international regulations matter.
Satellitenprojekt: «Machbar, aber wir dürfen keine Zeit vertrödeln»
SCHAAN - Bis Ende des Jahres müssen die neuen Verantwortlichen hinter dem Satellitenprojekt beweisen, dass sie die geforderten Meilensteine erreichen können...
Rivada ‘to spend €4bn’ on 600-satellite network, says report.
Ganley had already told told Capacity this week that Rivada Space Networks has a licence for 4,000MHz of spectrum, which will be used to connect LEO satellites to data centres...
The corporate feud over satellites that pittedthe west against China
How a clash of cultures — and geostrategic interests — sank a German-Chinese joint venture competing in the new space race.
Rivada Space Networks Wins KeyDecision in Spectrum Dispute
Authority in Liechtenstein awards spectrum to Rivada. In the middle of an ownership dispute between numerous entities, a regulatory decision in Liechtenstein regarding...
Liechtenstein regulators approve Declan Ganley’s satellite broadband deal
The network would be opened up on a wholesale basis for use by telecoms providers, cloud computing firms and potentially also governments for non-military use.
Satellite project: Office finally gives business plan the green light
A consortium of companies wants to set up a satellite system in Liechtenstein. For a long time, the Communications Office, which allocates the necessary frequencies...
Rivada Space Networks Joins ITU Partner2Connect Digital Coalition to Foster Meaningful Connectivity
Rivada Space Networks is proud to join pledges from global technology and communications firms such as Microsoft and Vodafone with its own $112 million pledge toward creating an equitable marketplace for satellite capacity.